Issue object
Available since 1.2.0 version
Variable path | Type | Description | Sample value |
key | String | Issue key | TEST-1 |
summary | String | Issue summary | This is issue summary |
description | String | Issue description | This is sample issue description |
createdDate | The date when issue was created, in Jira format used in date picker | 11/Sep/18 12:26 AM | |
dueDate | Issue due date, in Jira format used in date picker | 11/Sep/19 11:30 AM | |
updatedDate | Issue updated date, in Jira format used in date picker | 11/Sep/19 11:30 AM | |
resolutionDate | Issue resolution date, in Jira format used in date picker | 11/Sep/19 11:30 AM | |
issueType | String | Issue type name | Task |
priority | String | Issue priority name | Medium |
status | String | Issue status name | To do |
assignee | Issue assignee user | admin | |
reporter | Issue reporter user | admin | |
project | Issue project | DEMO | |
labels | Collection<Label> | List of issue labels | [test, aux] |
fixVersions | Collection<Version> | List of fix versions | [1.0.0, 1.2.0] |
affectedVersions | Collection<Version> | List of affected versions | [v1, v2] |
Deprecated variable paths/names
Versions before 0.18.0 use different patterns for variable paths/names. Please note that following paths/names will be removed in future versions and should not be used since 0.18.0 version:
Accessing custom field value
To retrieve custom field value by its id please use expression: $!sourceIssue.getCustomFieldValue('customfield_1111')
To copy current custom field value in custom field form input please use special $this variable instead field id: $!sourceIssue.getCustomFieldValue($this)