Scheduling Clone Issue action

Scheduling Clone Issue action

Setup repeating details

  1. Go to issue view .

  2. Select More > Repeat from issue action navigation bar or click Set repeating in Repeating Issue section on the right panels.


  3. On repeating configuration dialog please select Clone Issue for repeat action field.

Configuration fields for Clone Issue action

Field name


Field name



User which will be set as reporter of new cloned issue.

  • This is not the creator of new issue. The creator of new issue will be the user who setup repeating. See Which user is used by the Repeating Issue app during processing?

  • This field is only visible when creator has permission to modify reporter of new issues. If creator can't modify reporter then he will be set as reporter


User which will be set as assignee of new cloned issue.

Remove me from watchers

When selected - the creator will not be notified of any changes to new cloned issue.

  • This field is only visible if watching is enabled in Jira General Configuration > Options > Allow users to watch issues

  • Creator will be removed from watchers only if he has "Manage watcher list" permission in project


Summary that will be set to new cloned issue.

This field can have parameters like ${repeatingDate} - for details please follow Velocity references in field values

Repeat for

Defines which date field of issue should be repeated accordingly with recurrence rule: the create date or the due date.

For example, if issue duration is 2 days, and the repeating occurrence falls on 10 January 2017 (based on recurrence rule) then:

  • when issue create date is selected - new cloned issue will be created at 10 January 2017 with due date equal 12 January 2017 (due date is calculated to be 2 days after 10 January 2017)

  • when issue due date is selected - new cloned issue will be created at 8 January 2017 with due date equal 10 January 2017 (create date is calculated to be 2 days before 10 January 2017)

Issue create date and issue due date is calculated with non-working days adherence. For details read Managing non-working days

Issue duration

The number of working days between new cloned issue created date and due date.

Please read how to configure non-working days.

Clone sub-tasks

When selected - all sub-tasks from source issue will be cloned as sub-tasks to new cloned issue.

Sub-task can also have VTL expressions in summary. Just create sub-task in parent issue with summary like: "$repeating.date Sub-task template". When this sub-task will be cloned parameters will be interpolated.

Clone links

When selected - all source issue links (excluding Clone link) will be cloned to new cloned issue.

Clone attachments

When selected - all source issue attachments will be copied to new cloned issue.

Clone sprint values

When selected and Jira Agile is available - sprint field values from source issue will be also cloned to new cloned issue.

Notify watchers

When selected - watchers of new cloned issue will be notified via email. See Email notifications.

Mute success notifications

When selected -  notifications of correct execution will not be sent. See Email notifications.

Other system and custom fields

After clicking "More..." on repeating issue dialog more system and custom fields defined in Jira will be available. Each field will have simple form input where static value or dynamic value can be provided - see Velocity Template Language in Repeating Issues add-on.