Defining recurrence rule
Setup recurrence details
Repeating Issues add-on supports recurrence rules as defined in the iCalendar RFC so use can schedule actions that:
occurs at given date and time
repeats daily, monthly, weekly and yearly
repeats every n times
repeats on given day of week
repeats by day of the month or day of the week
repeats 1st or last working day of the month
ends never, after x times, or on given date
Possibilities are vast...
Rules can be defined with user friendly forms as below:
Daily repeats frequency | Wheekly repeats frequency | Monthly repeats frequency |
Yearly repeats frequency | 1st working day of the month repeats frequency | Last working day of the month repeats frequency |
Configuration fields for recurrence
FIeld name | Description |
Repeats | Define frequency of recurrence.
Repeats every | The interval between each frequency iteration. |
Repeat on | Define the weekdays where the weekly recurrence will be applied. This field is only available for 'Repeats' equal to `Weekly`. |
Repeat by | Define the weekday (together with 'Starts on' field) where the monthly recurrence will be applied. This field is only available for 'Repeats' equal to `Monthly`.
Starts on | Defines the start date and time relative to which subsequent occurrences are calculated on the recurrence rule |
Ends | Define when the recurrence ends.
Calendar | Define calendar with non-working days that will be used by this recurrence rule. Please read how to Manage non-working days |