Next occurrence column field

Next occurrence column field

Jira applications let you change the columns of the table of search results for any search results displayed using the list view. Repeating Issues app provides new field with name “Next occurrence” that shows short summary of next occurrence of the repeating defined for issue. This field displays next occurrence date (in logged user timezone) and the readable summary of the recurrence rule (e.g. Clone Issue, every day). Next occurrence field can be used:

  • as a column in list view when searching issues in issue navigator,

  • as a column in list view of Filter Results dashboard gadget.

This field will help you track all existing repeatings in a simple view.

Add next occurrence field to issue navigator result

To add column to search results please switch to list view in issue navigator. Then you can change the columns that appear:

  1. Click Columns at top right of the issue table

  2. Search and check the “Next occurrence” column

  3. Click Done to save your selections.

For more details please refer Jira documentation how you can configure issue navigator.

Finally you will see following data:

Use next occurrence field in dashboard gadget

To see column in your dashboard please go to the dashboard and add Filter results gadget. Then when configure columns to display in your gadget please search and add “Next occurrence” column, and save configuration.

Finally you will see following data:


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