Migration from server to cloud

Migration from server to cloud

Things to know before migration to cloud

Version support matrix

Repeating Issues app for Jira Server supports migration to cloud since version 3.13.3. Repeating Issues app for Jira Cloud fully supports migration.

We suggest that you always use the latest version of the Repeating Issues app for Jira Server/Data Center, which may contain the latest data migration fixes.

Check the version history.

Features difference

The cloud version may differ slightly from the server version, however main principles remain the same. Some features available in server version are still not supported in cloud . Happily, all things that can be done in the Jira Cloud environment will be incrementally added in upcoming releases. 

The table below compares only differences between the server and cloud version of the Repeating Issues app.


Jira Server/Data Center

Jira Cloud


Jira Server/Data Center

Jira Cloud

A user who creates and edits issues

The owner of the repeating (user who edit and save details of the repeating) is the user who creates and edit issues.

See FAQ: Which user is used by the Repeating Issue app during processing?.

The owner of the repeating is not the user who creates and edit issues. The cloud version uses the app user with name “Repeating Issue app” which is used in all interactions during execution of the repeated task.

App permissions

The app provides extra project roles that can be assigned to users/groups for each project.

See Managing permissions [Server].

The app provides extra project permissions that can be granted to users/groups for each project.

See Managing permissions [Cloud].


Additional emails are sent as notifications.

See Email notifications [Server].

Partially Supported

Jira defaults notifications are sent when issue is created.

Bulk changes

Available through Jira native Bulk Change feature accessible from Jira Issue Navigator.


This feature will not be able to implement in Jira native Bulk Change feature due to Jira Cloud API limitations.

Project automations

Project administrators can define the derails of the repeating that will be set when issue is created.

See Project automation [Server].



Available in app administration view.

See Importing details of repeating [Server] and Exporting details of repeating [Server].


Next occurrence column field

App provides new field with name “Next occurrence” that shows short summary of next occurrence of the repeating defined for issue.

See Next occurrence column field [Server].


What entities will be migrated to cloud

Migration of Repeating Issues from server version to your cloud instance is available through Jira Cloud Migration Assistant. Entities which are being copied to your cloud instance during migration:

  • Repeatings for selected projects

  • Calendar rules with non-working days configuration

  • General settings

  • Clone Issue action options

  • Create Subtask action options

Things which won’t be copied:

  • Permissions config

  • Notifications config

  • Project automations definitions

Not all repeatings may be migrated to cloud instance - it depends on projects you choose in Migration Assistant. Repeatings in projects not selected for migration will not be migrated.

Redo migration

You can run migration multiple times for each project. Each migration execution will:

  • import again calendar rules and cloning options overriding changes done in cloud.

  • import again repeatings for migrated projects overriding changes done in cloud. Any other repeatings won’t be removed from cloud.

Enabling support for migration on cloud instance

Before performing migration of Repeating Issues to you cloud instance you must enable support the migration for our app. Go through following steps:

  1. Open your Jira Cloud instance.

  2. Go to Settings → Apps → [Repeating Issues app] Migration from server

  3. Mark option Enable support for migration

Please note, that when above support is not enabled you still may use Atlassian Migration Assistant path for your Jira migration. In this scenario migration of Repeating Issues app will fail with timeout after 14 days.

Enabling support for Repeating Issues app migration on server

Upgrade your Repeating Issues app for server to latest version for having migration support.

You will also need Atlassian Migration Assistant installed on your Jira server to perform migration - ensure you have it installed in latest version.

Performing migration

Refer to official documentation from Atlassian on how to perform migration of you Jira server instance to cloud.

During apps assessment you should choose Repeating Issues App as Needed in cloud.

You may find multiple apps with names similar to Repeating Issues App:

  1. Repeating Issues App for Jira

  2. Repeating Issues App compatibility layer for Jira 7

  3. Repeating Issues App compatibility layer for Jira 8

  4. Repeating Issues App compatibility layer for Jira 9

Please choose only the first one - Repeating Issues App for Jira - and mark other as Not needed in cloud.


After app assessment, proceed with migration.

Confirming migration success and troubleshooting

You can track migration progress through Migration Assistant UI. You can also track data import on the Jira cloud - for this please go to Settings → Apps → [Repeating Issues app] Migration from server on your cloud instance. Here is an example of succeeded data import on cloud.

In case of any failures - appropriate logs will be presented here. Don’t hesitate to asking us for support in this case.

Participating in discounts program for cloud migration

To help with your migration journey to cloud, the Repeating Issues app is part of the Atlassian cloud loyalty discount program and the Atlassian dual licensing program.


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