Searching for issues with repeatings

Searching for issues with repeatings


To search issues with repeating go to Jira issue navigator and use JQL query:

codedoers.repeating.nextOccurrenceTime is not null

Sometimes it is possible that issue with repeating has empty nextOccurrenceTime. This occurs when:

  • recurrence rule is not valid and nextOccurrenceTime can't be calculated

  • repeating ends and issue should not be repeated anymore 

Then you can use following JQL to search all issues with repeating (including invalid rules and completed recursion):

codedoers.repeating.rule is not empty

All repeatings are defined as RFC 2445 recurrence rules, for example 



The rRule property can be used to search repeatings by it recurrence details

To search issues with repeating that failed during last execution go to Jira issue navigator and use JQL query:

codedoers.repeating.errors is not empty

More examples





codedoers.repeating.nextOccurrenceTime is not null

search all issues with repeating with valid next occurrence date

codedoers.repeating.rule is not empty

search all issues with repeating. Including invalid rules and completed recursion - with empty codedoers.repeating.nextOccurrenceDate

codedoers.repeating.rule is not empty order by codedoers.repeating.nextOccurrenceTime asc

as above, but the results are sorted ascending by the next occurrence date

codedoers.repeating.nextOccurrenceTime > now() and codedoers.repeating.nextOccurrenceTime > endOfWeek()

search issues with repeating that occurs after now and until the end of week

codedoers.repeating.rule ~ "FREQ=MONTHLY"

search all monthly repeatings

codedoers.repeating.rule ~ "FREQ=DAILY"

search all daily repeatings

codedoers.repeating.rule ~ "INTERVAL=5"

search all repeatings with intervel equals to 5 (interval is defined by Repeats every fields. see this page for details)

codedoers.repeating.rule ~ "FREQ=MONTHLY" and codedoers.repeating.rule ~ "INTERVAL=5"

search all montlhy repeatings with interval equals to 5

codedoers.repeating.repeatedBy is not empty

search all issues which are repeated by repeating issues add-on

codedoers.repeating.repeatedBy = "ISSUEKEY-1"

search all issues which are repeated by ISSUEKEY-1

codedoers.repeating.repeatedBy = "ISSUEKEY-11" and created >= "2017-07-16 17:05"

search all issues which are repeated by ISSUEKEY-11 and was created after 2017-07-16 17:05

codedoers.repeating.errors is not empty

search issues with repeating that failed during last execution