Viewing other requests from customer
The Customer Tools app brings an extra list view that is available on the right side panel of Service Management issue view.
Go to Service Management issue view.
Search Customer item on the right panel and click Manage button.
This will open new panel that include customer summary (see Viewing customer info) and the list with other requests.
Filtering the results
The results on the list can be filtered using three buttons with icons. The filters can be marked all at once (that corresponds to the OR condition) or each one separately. By default only filter (1) is enabled.
(1) Viewing other requests from the same reporter of current request
This filter will show other request that was reported by the same customer who is the reporter of currently viewed request.
(2) Viewing other requests from organizations that the reporter of current request belongs to
This filter will show other requests that was reported by any customers belonging to the same organizations to which the current reporter belongs.
(3) Viewing other requests shared with the same organizations that current request is shared with
This filter will show other requests that was reported by any customers but which are shared with the same organizations that current request is shared with.
Sorting in the results list
The list with the requests is sorted from newest to oldest requests. It shows only the last 5 requests, and when there is more - the link to issue navigator will be available te see all requests.