Smart QL
Smart QL
Getting started with Smart QL
- Using builtin SQL navigator
- Connecting using ODATA
- Connecting using JDBC
- Managing saved queries / views
- Using charts gadget
- Exporting issue searches & JQL queries to SmartQL
- Limiting access to SmartQL features
- Accessing data guarded by Jira permissions, roles and groups.
Advanced topics
- Bind parameters in queries
- Combining JQL and SQL
- Extending presentation with Smart Reports
- Handling ANY (java objects) type with XPATH
- Supported SQL features
- Configuring advanced chart gadget (beta)
Objects in Smart QL
- Schema CORE — This schema contains base JIRA Core/Bussines objects, like projects, issues, history, comments etc. This is the default schema.
- Schema AUX — This schema provides various JIRA related helping functions and tables.
- Fuction AUX.PATH — Functions converts any field given in a parameter call with XPATH expression.
- Function ASDURATION — This function converts database duration (see estimate/timestimate etc columns - these fields are simple integer type) to human readable form known from JIRA.
- Function ASICON — This functions "casts" any URL like value to an object which builtin navigator will show as a link to an image.
- Function ASISSUEKEY — Functions converts issue id to its appropriate key.
- Function ASLINK — This functions "casts" any URL like value to an object which builtin navigator will show as a link.
- Function ASPROJECTKEY — This function converts project id from to its key. With this function you can limit joins to Table PROJECTS in your query for presentation purposes.
- Function ASPROJECTNAME — This function converts project id from to its name. With this function you can limit joins to Table PROJECTS in your query for presentation purposes.
- Function GETFIELD — This function returns the value of issue field, regular one or custom field.
- Function JQL — This function enables power of JQL in you SQL queries. It returns the data in table format just like the builtin JQL navigator, so you can use it in your SQL queries.
- Function LOGGEDINUSER — Returns id of a current logged in user which is you .
- Function AUX.ASTEXT
- Function FORMAT
- Schema CUSTOM — This schema contains as views all custom queries saved by You. Only you have access to your own saved queries as view. Each user has separate, unique schema CUSTOM.
- Schema EXAMPLES — This schema contains example queries available to all users. You can either use them straight from Smart QL menu (Smart QL → Manage Views → Examples) or from SQL query.
- Schema SHARED
Compatibility issues and known problems
, multiple selections available,
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