Objects in Smart QL

All objects available for your are group in schemes. All objects from schemes must be prefixed, only objects from default CORE schema can be used without prefix. 

  • Schema CORE

    This schema contains base JIRA Core/Bussines objects, like projects, issues, history, comments etc. This is the default schema.

  • Schema AUX

    This schema provides various JIRA related helping functions and tables.

  • Schema CUSTOM

    This schema contains as views all custom queries saved by You. Only you have access to your own saved queries as view. Each user has separate, unique schema CUSTOM.

  • Schema EXAMPLES

    This schema contains example queries available to all users. You can either use them straight from Smart QL menu (Smart QL → Manage Views → Examples) or from SQL query. 

  • Schema SOFTWARE

    Schema SOFTWARE contains base objects suitable for Jira Software, such as boards and sprints. 

    This schema is enabled only when Jira Software is enabled. You cannot use this schema without Jira Software.

  • Schema SHARED

    Schema SHARED contains views which are shared with you. When any user shares with you a view - this view will be available under schema SHARED, subschema username.

    This schema is enabled only when at least on view is shared with you.
