Managing form templates

Managing form templates

What is form template?

Customer Tools allows to configure separate fields layout to collect:

Designing the form template

Only user with 'Manage Customer Tools' global permission can design the form. By default this permission is granted to Jira administrator. This permission can be edited at Jira Settings > System > Global Permissions.

Adding fields

1. Go to Customer Tools settings page for form templates.
Click on the Apps in the top navigation, choose Customer Tools and then Settings > Form templates from the left menu.

2. One new page you can define fields layout, separate for customer and organization (change the tabs between Customer and Organization)


3. Click on Add fields and select field type. See supported field types below.

5. Click on label to edit field name

4. After adding fields just click on Save changes.

Removing and reordering fields

To remove or reorder field just hover the mouse on desired field and you will see additional buttons to move up, move down or remove field.

Supported field types


Field view in final form when edit value

Field view in final form when display value


Field view in final form when edit value

Field view in final form when display value

Short text (single line)

A basic single line text box to enter simple text input



Long text (multi-line)

A multi-line textarea to enter longer text strings




An advanced multi-line textarea to enter longer text strings with formatting



A basic text box to enter number




A field to pick a date from calendar




A single select list with configurable options




A checkbox field to set boolean value



A basic text box to enter to enter email address




A basic text box to enter URL



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